We all have off days. I am having one as I write this. I feel unmotivated not wanting to do anything, even writing this blog entry is a drag. I am currently training to become an ADI (Approved Driving Instructor), allowing me to work part time as I built my freelance life coach career.
My mind is filled with doubt, did I make the right decision. One part of me absolutely certain, whilst the other states I can't do it. It's too much work, I can't study like I use to. I want to spend all my time on my freelance business. I got too much things to do etc. Perhaps you recognise these kind of thoughts. In the business of life coaching we call them limiting beliefs and guess what I have them as well.
One of the first steps in improving outcomes and desires is identifying them and challenge them. Often they are not true and hold us back achieving that, which will benefit us. Self awareness can help us. Often I get distracted when trying to be self aware by all these thoughts. It's like working out what is true and what is absolute BS.
What has helped me is journaling. Writing my thoughts on paper. I find that if I write by hand that my thoughts slow down allowing me to make sense of the million and a half thoughts. Including limiting beliefs. It's amazing what happens when I put pen to paper, I have learned so much of what makes me tick and what I truly want out of life. Even writing this has just helped me shift perspective. So in a nutshell, feeling a bit less low now and I can get on with that which serves my higher self. :) Have a nice day or be kind to yourself when you are having an off day.